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one-to-one careers advising

Get 1:1 Guidance for a Career with Purpose

Ready to drive meaningful change in the world?
Our 1:1 advising sessions will help you navigate your path to impactful work in animal advocacy.
Whether you're transitioning from another field or seeking to maximise your impact, our expert advisors will guide you to a fulfilling career path.

AAC’s career advising is for you if…

→ You have 5+ years of professional experience and aim to transition these skills into making meaningful change for animals. (Your experience in a different field is valuable; we can help identify transferable skills.)
→ You have completed our online course, read our career path guides and want some help prioritising opportunities and career paths.
→ You’re passionate about using your career to create positive change, with a particular interest in animal advocacy.
We have evidence that we can be most helpful (and therefore most likely to accept applications from) individuals matching at least two of the above. While we may not be able to offer career advice to every applicant, we encourage you to apply. Even completing the form can help you clarify your career goals. Currently, we speak with approximately one in three applicants.

Take the First Step Towards Your Dream Career


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Lauren Mee

Lauren is the CEO and co-founder of Animal Advocacy Careers. She has given hundreds of career advising calls, mentors people at Magnify Mentoring and is on the advisory board of AVA, VARC, Consultants for Impact and Tälist.

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Engin Arikan

Engin is a co-founder at Kafessiz Türkiye (cage-free Turkey) and was involved in helping to start the animal advocacy movement in Turkey since 2014, after he finished his master's thesis on animal rights.

Working with Laptop


I thought that the way he matched my interests/skills to potential career paths was super helpful. And I found the info he gave on those career options to be very informative.

I really enjoyed my interview and Lauren took time to answer some very specific questions. I didn’t know where to start before and now I have a good plan. Thank you!

I really appreciate Lauren's level of knowledge and ability to provide resources and opportunities after the call. She helped me feel more confident.

AAC's career coaching came at the perfect moment in my life. I had just sold my business and was ready and eager for a career that contributed to animals. AAC helped me identify how I can use my skills to make the biggest impact -- resulting in the strategy behind the nonprofit I cofounded called Scarlet Spark. 


When there are so many options, it's all too easy to do nothing. AAC shines a light through the darkness, helping people find their way into making the biggest difference they can.

Tania Luna, Co-founder- Scarlet Spark

Lauren was very helpful in unearthing assumptions I was making regarding potential career paths and encouraging of me taking the time necessary to explore the most effective possible option(s).

application form

If, however, you are looking for some more introductory content, then we recommend that you apply for our animal advocacy course instead, or just dive into reading through our skills profiles.


  • Animal Advocacy Careers’ skills profiles, a deep dive into some of the most difficult to hire roles

  • The “Overview” tab of each of Animal Charity Evaluators’ reviews of their four “top charities.”


Animal Advocacy Careers (AAC) is an organisation that seeks to address the career and talent bottlenecks in the animal advocacy movement, especially the farmed animal movement. Animal Advocacy Careers, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organisation (EIN: 86-1554905). Contributions to Animal Advocacy Careers, Inc. are tax-deductible in the United States.

We do our best to provide useful information, but how you use the information is up to you. We don’t take responsibility for any loss that results from the use of information on the site. Please consult our legal disclaimer and privacy policy.

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